Saturday, August 14, 2010

Working for Free vs. Not

Getting Published

First let me speak about getting published as so many photographers strive to do for exposure. Okay you get photo credit in a publication. Did you get paid for it or did you just give it away because that you think would give you a feather in your hat. Were you afraid to ask to get paid? In most circumstances you should have gotten paid. Just starting out it doesn’t have to be big dollars but it should be something. Many photographers give their work away and not only are you shortening yourself but you’re hurting the industry. The publication is making money so why shouldn’t you. Even if the publication is making money on advertising and it’s a free subscription they are still making money and if they are not that is not your problem. Would a doctor give away his services for free or restaurants give you free meals in most cases not. Basically you are providing a service that service is your work and it should not be free. Regarding my personal experience, I have been published hundreds of times all over the world and only once did I not get paid. Why did I choose not to get paid? It was early on and It was for a site that gets millions of viewers on a regular basis and it is for one of the most well known billionaires in the world and yes I got photo credit.

Regarding being published however there are a few instances you might offer your image for photo credit. One reason is it’s the cover of a publication and that publication will not only get you noticed by its readers but it is in an area of the business that your are trying to move into and the cover you could use to build your portfolio. A second reason might be for example you shot the opening of something for a paying client and that client asked if you could submit a couple of photos in the local publication. This is a service to your client.

Portfolio Work

Too many photographers spend endless time shooting models for free in exchange for a CD...Is it a hobby or do you want it to lead to something? Doing exchanges is fine in my opinion only with two possibly three instances. You are doing test shots on something specific to personally advance yourself in some way to ultimately make money in that area or you’re starting out in a specific area and building your portfolio. I could go into this further but I will leave it for now. Basically like anything in life you have to have a direction and follow it. Photographing models endlessly because you think they are pretty is one thing but you have to think to yourself , is this how I really want to spend my time or do I want to take it to the next level. Is it about building portfolios at this point or confidence!

If you have any questions regarding anything I spoke about you could email me at

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